March 28, 2008


In his novel Immortality, Milan Kundera writes that "the face is only the serial number of the specimen." He says that figuring out our identity is to get over the surprise that the face we see in the mirror is just the outcome of an accidental string of events. And we don't just have to realize this, we have to identify with it; we need to believe that the who we present to others is unique and has an essence. Consequently, we don't simply have to identify with ourselves, we need to do passionately - to the point of life and death.

We, therefore, seek to immortalize our essence through speech and action. We go to great lengths to ensure that the image we present to the world is one we wish to be remembered by. The problem is, according to Kundera, that we have no control over how we will be perceived once we have passed. While we may believe strongly in our greatness, piety, or moral superiority, we may just be seen as an arrogant SOB.

All this to say, no matter how passionately you defend your cause or try to convert people to it, actions speak louder than words. Rather than piss people off, do what you believe in, and some are sure to notice and hopefully be inspired to do something too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One can predict what is on the other side of the mountain, but cannot witness it until the journey across the mountain is made. We can say that our faces are 'accidental' but there may be a time when bioengineering allows us (or rather, "them") to choose their face. And choose their rememberances.

In fact, we might one day bioengineer death right out of existence. In which case this arrogant SOB would be around forever! :)