March 26, 2008

More on (anti-) consumerism...

Planet Green says, find happiness without buying it.

A suggestion made is to imagine you have no money and ask yourself what you would do to make yourself happy. Rather than focus on material accumulation, they suggest spending time with friends, or enjoying nature.

You know one thing I'm sure many of us would not do if we had no money (or needed it) is work, especially at a monotonous, boring job, sitting in front of a screen, breathing in bad air and dealing with annoying people.

Although we know the things we buy won't bring lasting happiness, if we labour to satisfy the life process (i.e our 'needs'), and try to restrict ourselves from buying stuff, then it's like, what are we working for? As mentioned in a previous post, being a labourer means being a consumer. Therefore, if you're anti-consumerist, your labouring almost becomes meaningless and it's all the more boring and depressing. So, my point is, if there is something wrong with consumerism, it's because there is something wrong with the labour process.

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